Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Challenging yet Fun First Year with Citibank's Financial Reporting Team

It’s my one (1) year at Citi! That means I survived four (4) quarter ends and eight (8) month end cycles. Hooray! And it has been an exhausting yet fun experience so far. But I don’t think I’ll reach this point without the help and encouragement from my colleagues most especially from my team, Corp 4 “The South EMEAns”. Through this blog, I would like to celebrate my first anniversary with Citibank FRO and also to extend my utmost gratitude to my teammates.

A proud Citi Employee

Yes, I admit that working in a Financial Institution is really draining at times (or should I say most of the time?). We have to deal with numbers and ad hoc tasks daily. Not just that, we also have to attend to all the queries of our demanding clients and contacts. In fact, there have been few times when I felt aggravated by the situation but I chose to be quiet instead. Then, I look at my teammates and see right through them the passion and hard-work they put into work. It made me realize that “Hey! I should not complain because everyone is working at their best despite of undesirable situations.” True enough.

There were a lot of big shocking news happened to our department this year such as the resignations of few of our good managers but Corporate Reporting Team people hold up with each other to put our composition to still and be stronger than ever.

Our former Corporate Reporting Leader, Sir Malvin Ching said “I’ll be leaving Corp Rep with full trust and confidence that the team will survive without me.” Then he added that he has seen in each of us the determination we have and he truly appreciates all the hard work we brought out especially every cycle. He also convinced us to stay at Citi until we reach the same knowledge he had accomplished within Citibank. (Yes sir, we will ‘try’.)

FRO Ph Corporate Reporting Team

Corp 4 is composed of one (1) Team Leader and six (6) members. We handle the Financial Reporting for Southern Europe countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy. But we don’t only limit ourselves to those countries because we also assist other ASIAN and North EMEA clusters. Thus, it made us “The Global Corporate Reporting Team”. Oh yeah!

Corp 4 Team with South EMEA Month-End Team

Introducing my Corp 4 Teammates:

Adelle – she maybe the baby in our team but when you get to know her, you’ll be surprised how matured her mind is. She is a good listener and can give you an unbiased advice. I’m happy to have her as my seatmate. Definitely, she is one of those people who I can be very comfortable to open up with about anything and everything. 

Kae – people might misunderstood her because she’s quiet at times but I know when you get to know her deeply, you’ll see a strong woman who’s willing to do anything for her loved ones.

Randy – he is the joker among us but I don’t think he realizes that. He gives comments which are unintentionally humorous. Yeah, he is just funny I guess. But for those who don’t know Randy, he is actually a very responsible man.   He is willing to set aside his personal happiness just to give his family a beautiful life. Salute!

Mica – the sophisticated and witty among us. She is in fact one of my favorite office-mates because she exemplify a hard working and uncomplaining officer. Not so many times I see a trace of tiresome in her face during night-shift cycles. I wonder what her secret is. But honestly I find Mica as a promising officer and she could really be a good leader someday.

Jeanne – she is the coolest office-mate. The moment I saw her, I know she is friendly and fun to be with. I’m so thankful to have her as my mentor because she made me feel comfortable about the work. And one thing I like about Jeanne is her being updated about daily happenings inside and outside Citi. Like me, she is also into travel and photography. She is probably one of the people you want to chit-chat with on lazy hours at work.

Den – our dearest team leader. There are so many nice words to describe how good she is as our manager. In fact, I look up to her because of her generosity, patience and understanding. She is cute and has a good sense of fashion as well.  She plays not just a leader but also as an older sister who truly looks after us. She is definitely one of Citi’s best Team Leaders. Not to mention but I can see right through her the passion and hard work she bestowed everyday in the office. I could not be more thankful to be part of her team.

I have to say that life at Citi is confounding to describe but once you survive at Citi FRO, it’s guaranteed that you’ll develop good traits in life. Through Citi, I have learned to be patient because working on an adverse schedule is crazy but I learned to embrace the situation and handle it professionally. I have also enhanced my communication skills because I have to deal with different kinds of people (local and international). Moreover, I developed my creativity because in Citi, I am given the chance to share my passion in art & design on different occasions and events. Also, I became more organize as I learn to schedule my tasks and plan my goals for the year. Lastly, I am encouraged to lead as I’m given the opportunity to facilitate events and be in charge of different projects.

I know as I grow and mature in Citibank, there will be more lessons I can acquire. I’m just so thankful to be part of a well-rounded company and be surrounded with amazing and friendly colleagues.

Happy Anniversary to me and Citi! Cheers!


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